Thursday, July 23, 2009

83, 82, 81.... Suddenly it's 8!!

My Engagement Ring- 8th Feb '09

I'm totally.. really.. really freaking out.. huhu...

(that's the best word to describe my feeling.. )

Okayy.. that's my countdown (that's been counting down each day since last few months fr my Yahoo! Wedding Countdown Widget). Termasuk hari ni tinggal 8 hari je.. seriously.. bukan setakat stage cuak je nih.. dah melebihi paras cuak, siap nightmare malam2.. crazy! i've been thinking too much, that must be the case.

it's not that i'm worried about whether i can be a good wife or not.. insyaAllah ok je (overconfident kah?).. for now, it's more on the persiapan walimah/kenduri itself. checklist dah byk kali tgk, tp xtau laa... freaking out coz it will involve nama family, if something went wrong (hopefully tak), asyik fikir nnti nasi cukup ke tak laa, door gift nk kene tambah ke x..etc etc... saje2 mngade nk share the burden, called him (awe yg nak kene tazkirah lebih), but end up kene tazkirah 'ni, cakap nih, ade 'orang ke-3' '.. so, terpaksa laa ckp 'ye la...babai'.. haha.. memalukan diri sendiri je ;p [nway.. thank you =) ]

*entry nih saje2 utk share my burden.. huhu...


  1. Hoho...kalau awe freaking out, abesla diha nanti ~ nanti diha call out: awe, i need help for my walimah!!
    huhu, terasa nervous gak bace entry awe...moga dipermudahkan ~ semalam jumpa majd, dia sgt gembira dapat kad jemputan awe, dia kate 'she's so cute!!' Bro Mustafa pun ^-^
    dia minta kat diha address awe, maybe dia nak send card or anything ~
    xsabar tunggu gambar awe ~ kami ade perkhemahan Al-Furqan mase walimah tu, but we'll pray for you iA!!

  2. haha.. awe kan cepat gelabah.. dh laa xreti nk plan betul2. huhu.. walimah diha nnti,tepon je.. sure awe dh expert.. nges nges..
    laa.. majd nih.. padahal kat kad tu ada address awe.. maybe sbb in BM kot, die confuse. hehe..
    bestnyer camping.. jzkk..kenang daku dlm doa kalian.. ;)

  3. salam...
    tahniah kak hawa... at last akn menjadi bakal isteri org... semoga bahagia n cepat dpt cahaya mata... saya doakan kak hawa sentiasa diredhai Allah n majlis tu akn berjalan lancar... insyaAllah... ^.^v

  4. ^_^ kami doakan yang terbaik kak awe!

  5. You'll be fine, I believe in you *hugs*
    Everything'll be lovely إن شاء الله~
    EBA loves her K AWE~~!

  6. K'awe LOVES her Eba also ^^
    triple XOXOss =)

  7. lovely awe akan jadi zaujah esok!!
    Semoga Allah permudahkan semuanya ~

    "Barakallahulakuma wa barak alaikuma wa jama'a bainakuma fil khair wa razakakuma zurriyatan tayyibatan tanfaul ISLAM wal muslimin"

  8. salam awe, senyap dah dia, dah dpt ketenangan dan kebahagiaan bersama zauj tercinta wee~~
    Nway, tahniah2!, barakallahulakuma. Semoga urusan telah dipermudahkan. Last sekali perancangan Allah jg yg paling best dan canggih ;) Mari kita bertawakkal selalu. Mari juga membina keluarga muslim yang diredhai Allah insha Allah amin...


Ur comments r much appreciated ^o^