Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Saya pening

Hari ni saya pening n sakit kepala..

sistem USM health campus ni memang expert bab kasi org headache. my 2nd sampling this wiken. alhamdulillah, cukup lg duit. but, kalau kira2, mmg duit yg ada kt tangan mmg bakal habis dgn hebatnyer wiken nih. tiap2 kali sampling habis 3-4ribu. nx week dh nk ke Jeli. mmg confirm it will cost more that mere 4k. sbb jauh, nk kene book homestay for the team, duit minyak lagi.. rasa2nya dh lbh 3 minggu send tuntutan honororium, yesterday called bendahari, dia ckp, that form baru samp, so need another 14days to process. sabooo je laa..

then tepon k'den, petty cash yg apply last 2 weeks x sampai pn lagi. *dush..

i know i should apply samb kt otago je. confirm x pening ngan all this management problems. *haih.. nway, nothing is easy, yet nothing is impossible also.. BERUSAHA!


  1. Feel better soon k xoxo ^-^

  2. jzkk eba dearies..

    muah mmuah!


Ur comments r much appreciated ^o^