Friday, December 3, 2010

Miri.. here I come!

source: here

I looovveeeee eating sushi..
the only place where I can find shushi here is in Tesco :(
in NZ, we can easily buy short grain rice to make shushi.. kt sini.. jgn harap laa..
so, I hope there are lots of sushi place in Miri ^^

saying gudbye to my USM friends in Kltn.. will move to Miri in less than 3 weeks! yippee!! (yippee coz I dont really 'in-favour' of living here, not yippee coz i'll be living in sarawak.. huhuhu..)

ps: already survey tiket balik fr Miri.. hehe..ape2 pun nothing beats home!


  1. kat Miri banyak ulat nipah .... ... sedaaap....lazaaat.... lemaaak... berprotein tinggiii.....

  2. yeuuuwwwwww~~~

    goreng pun sodap ke? ;p

  3. deep fried ulat mulong from batang pokok sago sedaaap.... bolih juga masak kari ... masak lemak cili padi .... tiga rasa ... or even tomyam ulat mulong ..... mesti mau try ....nanti balik bawa yang deep fried pun takpe dah lama tak makan ....


Ur comments r much appreciated ^o^