Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll yg dh jadi Pumpkin Bun..


arini nk tunjuk roti labuuuu ^^ buat roti ni utk bekalan di tengah jalan masa gi kuching wiken aritu. sedap dan lembut. dah 3 hari pun lembut lagi.. sebab ada labu tu kot. terima kasih pada kak SGN67 yg suggest buat roti ni... tun suka rasa cinnamon tu, tp takut my laling x berapa suka, jd letak sikiittt  je, tu yg x nmpk lgsung gulung2 dia, hihi..

resepi dr my kitchen snippet.. tun xtau pun blog ni, sampai laa masa kak nor bg link. hihi.. nk tgk roti cantik pegi ke link ye..

Pumpkin Cinnamon Roll
Source: My Kitchen Snippets


3 cups flour
1 tsp ground cinnamon
3 tbsp sugar
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 packet/7 gram dried yeast
½ tsp salt
1 cup pumpkin puree – drains and squeeze out all the water
2 eggs
1/4 cup milk *
4 tbsp butter


4 tbsp soft butter
4 tbsp dark brown sugar
½ tsp cinnamon powder
½ cup pumpkin seeds - tun x letak

*Adjust the amount of milk. It depends on your environment, the dryness of your flour and the wetness of your pumpkin puree. It’s always best to start with the lesser amount; you can always add more, but it’s pretty hard to go back and add less

 1. Fit the mixer with the dough hook attachment. Combined all the dried ingredients for the dough and mix it well. Combined the eggs and pumpkin. Add it into the dried ingredients and turn on the mixer to medium speed. Slowly drizzle in the milk until the dough comes together and forms a nice ball of dough. Continue to mix for 10 minutes on medium speed.
2. Slowly add in the cut butter and continue to mix until dough is smooth. Remove the dough from the mixing bowl and place it in buttered bowl and cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest and raise at room temperature until double it size. (I mix this and left it overnight on the kitchen counter)
4. Punch down the dough; dust the work counter with some flour. Roll out the dough into rectangle shape and about 1/3” thickness, spread on the soft butter. Combined together the brown sugar, cinnamon and pumpkin seeds. Sprinkle it all over the roll out dough.
5. With your palm lightly press the filling ingredients into dough and then roll them up. Secure the roll by pinching both ends of the roll. Cut the rolls into ¾” pieces and arrange them in a well butter baking pan.
6. Cover them and let them rest and rise for an hour or until they are doubled in size. Bake them at 350°F for about 25-30 minutes or until they are golden brown.
7. Remove them from the oven and let them cool on wire rack

Cara tun
- masukkan semua bahan kecuali susu dalam BM dan letak setting doh.
- 'ON' kan BM dan stand-by kat tepi dgn susu.. bila dah start menguli tu, masukkan susu sikit2 sampai adunan tu nmpk x kering. agak2 laa ye.
- biarkan BM tu menguli smp habis dan boleh la terus ke step no 4 di atas.


  1. Tun...

    Tak kisahlah bun ke cinnamon roll...janji sedap dimakan...kan..kan...bau harum cinnamon sampai ghumah kak cek...emmmm...kak cek memang suka bau cinnamon ni...:)

  2. janji sodappppppppppppppp!! Mesti lemakkan dgn rasa labu..

  3. tun...cantik gebu la pumpkin labu tu....
    geram kak mas tengok.....
    tak pe tun..
    janji sedapp kan..

  4. Kata dah. Demam roti bakal melanda. Huahhh bila le my bibik melayu nak mai ni.

  5. A"ah betoi kata kak sam,demam roti lak melanda nih..Nmpak gebu ajer tun,Kak ct pon dah lama xmeroti,mesti best mkn2 roti ngan laling tersayang lam keta sambil kepala tun terlentuk atas bahu laling kan,hikhik..

  6. sana sinun sini meroti...aduhhh sakit mata dan tekak nih...gebu tul nampaknya tun...

  7. Wah, keluar roti labu plak... nampak pun memang lembut & gebu tu Tun... x pernah lg K nurul rasa roti labu... :)

  8. gebunya tun roti tu...kita hari tu ada dah habis..kalau dak boleh jugak mencuba....:)

  9. labu? gapo tuh? haha..jeles sbb takleh mkn lagik...,

  10. kak cek: sama laaa kita.. tun kalau cinnamon ni mmg hantuu..

    kak sari: mmg sedap.. nk kata lemak tu xde la lemak sgt. tp mmg lembut..

    kak mas: mmg gebus bila letak labu. len kali nk wat lagi

  11. kak sam: haha.. tu laa.. tp tun last week dh 2 kali melabu tau.. dh lama dh demam kiranye. hihi

    kak ct: haha.. adoii.. nk lentuk2 kepala 10 jam, mau patah tengkuk ;p

    kak lieza: fuhh fuhhhh... tiup abuk kt BM akak.. haa, dh blh guna ;)

  12. kak nurul: bila ada labu boleh laa try ni kak. lembut mcm roti kentang ^^

    kak Q: habis wat bingka ye kak.. hihi

    kak anna: haha.. kalau blh mkn blh laa try roti labu beryogurt ye ;p


Ur comments r much appreciated ^o^