Monday, February 20, 2012

Muffin Pandan


what's up with 2 entries within a morning? owh.. it's already 12++ pm, so its ok i guess.. tries to focus on my reading about Utah Paradigm.. yeah,, i know, i heard it for the 1st time also (last week), but need to include it in my discussion. the paper is to 'wordly', altho it's only 22pages long. i might cought headache reading all the big words /blur
from what i skim through, basicly it just told you that physical activity lead to strong muscle and that leads to strong bones. i wish there is a simpler explanation about the mechanism.

nway, been reading my sis blog (dib, is it a private blog? sowii.. dh 'ter'baca). hmm.. teenagers life is complicated, glad i passed through those emotionally-unstable-rebellious-having-crushes-over-n-over-again stage safely. hopefully she pass those well also. but, wut's with a sir with short-n-tight shirt and pants that let others see his boxer when he bent over???  OMG /shock.. no wonder budak2 rosak akhlak, i think the kementerian need to brain-wash all the new teachers before letting them go for their posting. i've seen teacher (n even the so-called 'ustaz') taking 'advantage' of the students before (which involve texting and calling the 'pretty' students at night, n bawak 'jalan2' personally during school trip- some of the teacher are married-man!) n i hope it didn't get worse now. parents, be aware.. school is not that safe anymore. really!!

nway, altho i'm really worried about my sisters, but insyaAllah they will behave. I'll pray that all of us will always be under His guidance, insyaAllah.

Ok, back to the recipe. This is called 'muffin' but I think the texture and the method of making resembles cupcakes. for muffins, usually you dont need to beat the mixture till creamy, and you never use mixer in combining the flour. nway, whether it's muffins or cupcakes, this is really a 2-tumbs up recipe! so yummy and the fragrants during baking is heavenly. 

tq for kak yatie n kak izah for sharing :D i make half the recipe and got 7 standard size muffins.

Resepi: kak Yatie
Sumber: kak  izah

  • 180 g mentega (unsalted butter)
  • 140 g gula halus
  • 2 biji telur
  • 80 ml susu segar
  • 1 camca teh esen vanilla
  • 220 gm tepung gandum*
  • 2 sk baking powder*(*disatukan dan diayak)
  • 1 camca teh pandan paste - i used pandan flavour n green colouring

Cara membuatnya
  • Putar mentega, masukkan gula dan putar hingga putih. Masukkan telur satu persatu dan putar hingga kembang. Masukkan esen vanilla dan putar lagi.
  • Perlahankan speed dan masukkan tepung berselang seli dengan susu cair hingga habis. Gaul rata. Akhir sekali masukkan pandan paste dan gaul rata.
  • Sudukan ke dalam acuan muffin kegemaran 3/4 penuh dan bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan pada suhu 175C selama 20 - 25 minit atau hingga masak. Bergantung pada oven masing2..


  1. Salam Tun cayang!!
    takpe lah kalau muffins nie resembles like cupcake.. bak sini bang seketul for me to have my tea break hehehe

    btw "cemillan" tuh mcm kite buat kudapan or snack

  2. Salam Tun

    I think u're right..ada some resemblance to cupcake than muffin...apapun akak pikir, anything with pandan will taste good la :) i may bake this over the weekend for the kiddos~

  3. wangi pandan tu sampai ke sini.. hihihi..

  4. Dunia sekarang memang menakutkan, walau apa pun banyakkan berdoa untuk sentiasaberada di bawah peliharaan-Nya.

    Alamak kena kuarkan mixer le pulak. nanti le

  5. Salam tun! akak pun terasa nak buat jugak muffin pandan nii :D tp kat kepala sume nk buat, kuih bakar pandan hihihi...kuih lapis pandan :D kuih kaswi pandan :D tp rasanyer akak nk cuba buat muffin pandan ni dulu :D psssttt.. puteri ayu kat bwh tu ayuuuuuuuuu sgt2! tun guna kelapa kering ke tun?

  6. salam tun...mesti wangi dgn bau mapin ni kan...akk jugak nak buat xjadi2 lg...hihihihi

  7. Salam Tun,
    Ni yang teringin nak buat muffin lak ni....

  8. emotionally-unstable-rebellious-having-crushes-over-n-over-again...errk been there...done that, fuhhhh!...sekarang tengah deal benda2 ni dengan anak2 teenagers pulak..huhu
    bak mai mapin skit..good for anti-stress

  9. cantiknya kaler ijo suka kuih2 yg ada pandan ni...cpt je cair bila tgknya...

  10. Ohoh.. 22 pages is not too long? Phew! Boleh tahan tu. Anyway, all the best with your writing Tun. Kak Ijan baru siap writing, nak beri pada supervisor. Now having some good time, relax sekejap lalala :)

    And about soon-to-be-cikgu and his boxer, sangat tidak sesuai perangainya. Mintak simpang nak mengajar anak2 kita :(

  11. mapin tun memikat selera la...ijau yg memikat, mesti harum semerbak baunya kan


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