Monday, February 20, 2012

Mad About Eggplant?? ;)


uwaaaaaaaa!!!!!! i'm not in a very good condition now. didn't managed to do any work. haish.. bad girl.. bad girl.. okay, mostly bcoz my laling took my lappy to his office the whole afternoon just now ( usually i did most of my work that time). its a new lappy, so need to install few software. yup, got a new laptop last week, the old one didn't managed to survive my master. huhu.. lucky for me the uni library was kind enough to email me the EndNote software and lisence, if not, i'm gonna be in a BIG trouble.. arigatou! /XD

nway, told you before that nowadays, i was mad about eggplant. had pajeri terung few times already, made the sambal terung hasue, grilled terung kak noorsha, and even masak lemak with terung.  hehe..

whenever i got no idea what to cook, pizza is always a savior. my laling loves eating pizzas.. hmmm, he loves lots of things actually. nway, pizza is one of his favourite thing. and it's easy to make too! if i'm in a hurry, i'll make up-side down pizza, but if i have some spare time to wait, i'll knead a pizza dough. for the filling, sausage is a must! i always had chicken sausage in the fridge, it's not that healthy, but i rarely eat sausage, so it's still ok, i guess. 

for this one, apart from sausage, i sliced eggplants (about 1/2 cm each, I put 2 layers of eggplants!), n grated some carrots. about 10 minutes before cooked, i cracked an egg on top. it's yummy!


  1. aslmkum tun... nampak sedap sangat.. boleh tiru ni..

  2. Amboi ghajin cik tun kita hari. kalau tak silap 3 n3 dlm 1 hari. hebat...hebat..hebat. keep it up.

  3. Salam Tun..mama dtg lagi nk tgk eggplant Tun nie.

  4. wah tun..dlm pizza ada terung...bagus2..kita suka..:)

  5. Salam tun! akak mmg ANTU TERUNG! sedapppppppppppp!!!! kdg tu kan kalau malas sgt akak grill ajerrr mkn mcm tu ajerrr hihihi... terung mmg sesuwai padankan dgn cheese! eeeeeeeee.... sedap!!!!!

  6. Assalamualaikum tun...
    waaah ada terung... mmg fav akak nie terung.. masak ler paa jer ngan terung nie mmg akak x kan tolak.. mmg fav sejak akak kecik lg.. terasa plak nak makan skg.. uwaaa

  7. tun... terung mmg best... kadang tu akak buat ulam jer..

  8. Menarik. Kak Ijan pun suka terung, sini terung mahal sikit. Best lah buat macam ni. nampak menyelerakan. :)


Ur comments r much appreciated ^o^