...my runny nose..
dh 3 hari x sihat.. last 2 days terpaksa menguatkan diri siapkn ELISA, tp mcm terketar2 pipet antibody and conjugate.. result pun x berapa nk cantik.. uu uuuu.. kits that costed me 5k... =(
arini tak gi sekolah.. tp x bagitau doc pun.. huk huk.. jgn tepon saya..
moga mlm ni blh tido dgn lenanyer.. blocked-nose, xleh napas time nk tido..
...mama~~ nk balik~~~
** nape time demam mesti nak panggil mama?
Mom of Double HM :) Cooking, Baking, and Teaching are my passion ^^ Too lazy to clean tho 😅
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
breaking fast~~

apple pie.. owh apple pie..time tgh baking, sgt menguji keimanan.. hihi~
ayam paprik yang best! nyummy nyum! altho sedikit pedas..
n pesal my cendol nmpk sgt retard.. gemok2.. such an hassle to make. need to change the recipe or find some other hassle-free recipe (will post it when i managed to make one)..
lastly, mee goreng mamak.. bcoz we rarely eat rice masa berbuka puasa. so need another form of carbo.
those r yesterday's.
today's menu will be nasi kerabu (owh~ another loongg day.. nasi kerabu sgt cerewet utk dibuat.. but nicah wants it~)
planning on making puding caramel. but ada 1 buku besar roti utk dihabiskan.. so thinking of sardine roll also.. hmmm.. which one.. maybe both? and already bought peach for peach cobbler.. kiv this one for tomorrow..
** one of the best feelings in Ramadhan is delivering foods to surau and jiran-tetangga ^^
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Ramadhan Kareemm~

Ahlan kepada tetamu yang dinanti, kini kunjung tiba..
tetamu yang melambangkan kini terbuka luas pintu2 keampunan..
Berilah kekuatan pada hambaMu ini untuk menghidupkan malam2 ramadhan dgn alunan suci kalamMu, dgn menyebut namaMu, dan dengan menadah tangan berdoa padaMu..
semoga kehadirannya tidak disia-siakan..
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Puasa kepada Semua ^^
Monday, August 9, 2010
2 days left~
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, diwajibkan kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan ke atas orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu, supaya kamu bertaqwa" [Al-Baqarah : 183]
Ahlan ya Ramadhan..
hari ni my uncle will pick up the "imam muda" =) yearly routine since i was in form 3.. menjelang ramadhan, if my dad's home, he n my uncle will go to Madrasah Kubang Bujuk, picking up 2 hafiz to lead our tarawikh prayer.. our surau might be small, but Alhamdulillah, for all these years, there's still jemaah at the surau, and once per week, usually ada ustaz dtg mengajar.
While i'm home (for a week), better prepare enough food for a month's 'guests' =) my dad had remind me to cook for the imams (as usual, both should be around 14-17.. sejuk ati their parents, kecik2 lagi dh hafaz 30 juzu')..
cooking.. cooking...~~ the least that i can do..
semoga Allah berkati setiap amalan kita.. insyaAllah..
While i'm home (for a week), better prepare enough food for a month's 'guests' =) my dad had remind me to cook for the imams (as usual, both should be around 14-17.. sejuk ati their parents, kecik2 lagi dh hafaz 30 juzu')..
cooking.. cooking...~~ the least that i can do..
semoga Allah berkati setiap amalan kita.. insyaAllah..
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies ^^
~~Home sweet Home~~
Love it when i'm home.. can fully utilize my recipe book =D
I use my classic brownies recipe, and topped the cheese cake recipe.. n tadaa!! here it is (finally!) my cheesecake brownies.

Brownies layer:
1/2 c butter (melted)
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 c cocoa powder
1/2 c flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 baking powder
- beat in sugar + egg into butter
- sift cocoa powder, flour, baking powder, add into the butter mixture
- add in salt
- mix everything (u can use a wooden spoon)
- line the baking dish with baking paper / oil paper b4 pouring the mixture
- leave some pf the brownies mixture for decoration
Cheese layer
200g cream cheese
juice from 1/2 lime or 1 tsp vanilla (i prefer lime juice, but my siblings prefer vanilla)
1 egg
1/4 c sugar
- mix everything together.
- will get a bit lumpy, i ignore it. hehe..
- pour on top of the brownies layer.
- decorate with some brownies mixture
-bake 180degree in a pre-heated oven, 20-30 minutes.
-let it set and refrigerate few hours b4 eating.
ps: make ayam madu panggang for lunch. but it tastes weird.. uuu uuu.. need to alter the recipe and try again ^^
Love it when i'm home.. can fully utilize my recipe book =D
I use my classic brownies recipe, and topped the cheese cake recipe.. n tadaa!! here it is (finally!) my cheesecake brownies.
Brownies layer:
1/2 c butter (melted)
3/4 c sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 c cocoa powder
1/2 c flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 baking powder
- beat in sugar + egg into butter
- sift cocoa powder, flour, baking powder, add into the butter mixture
- add in salt
- mix everything (u can use a wooden spoon)
- line the baking dish with baking paper / oil paper b4 pouring the mixture
- leave some pf the brownies mixture for decoration
Cheese layer
200g cream cheese
juice from 1/2 lime or 1 tsp vanilla (i prefer lime juice, but my siblings prefer vanilla)
1 egg
1/4 c sugar
- mix everything together.
- will get a bit lumpy, i ignore it. hehe..
- pour on top of the brownies layer.
- decorate with some brownies mixture
-bake 180degree in a pre-heated oven, 20-30 minutes.
-let it set and refrigerate few hours b4 eating.
ps: make ayam madu panggang for lunch. but it tastes weird.. uuu uuu.. need to alter the recipe and try again ^^
Chocolate Cheesecake Brownies,
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