The easiest dessert that you can make when you don't have enough time and equipment is this dadih. It'll only cost you about 5ringgit a packet, n you can make heaps and heaps of dadih per packet. and to think that people sold this dadih singgit lebih satu bekas kecik.. berapa byk laa agaknyer untung yg dapat..
eh.. lupa lak.. tujuan asal nk tayang bekas acuan yg kiut-miut yg me membeli semalam ^^

comey x?? ada few different shapes. me pilih 2 je, sbb packing half dozen. so ada 12 acuan la skrg.

i thought that layering 2 diff colours really looks pretty.. but yam (purple) and honey dew (green) taste didn't go well together. the sweetness of yam make honeydew tasted really sour.. sob sob.. honeydew is my fav flavor. should try layering choc n strawberry next time. n find if there's any vanilla flavour. vanilla will go well with any flavour, i think.
n still got some banana left, me pun menerai laa kukus guna acuan.. acuan ni walaupun sgt murah, tp tahan suhu pengukus. yippee~~ ^^ guna resepi dr myresepi jugak, apam dia x selembut apam yg biasa me buat, n a bit dry.. so kene improve resepi dulu baru blh share..
texture dia ada mcm roti sikit2.. huhu.. guna 1 cup tepung, dpt 3 acuan. mkn sebijik pun dh penoh, sbb padat.
owh, lupa laa dadih yg me guna. my sis yg mula2 start wat dadih nih kt umah. since that xpenah guna jenama lain. cara2 ikut kt packaging, just didihkan air, susu sejat, ngan gula. then campur serbuk dadih nih.

eh.. lupa lak.. tujuan asal nk tayang bekas acuan yg kiut-miut yg me membeli semalam ^^
comey x?? ada few different shapes. me pilih 2 je, sbb packing half dozen. so ada 12 acuan la skrg.
i thought that layering 2 diff colours really looks pretty.. but yam (purple) and honey dew (green) taste didn't go well together. the sweetness of yam make honeydew tasted really sour.. sob sob.. honeydew is my fav flavor. should try layering choc n strawberry next time. n find if there's any vanilla flavour. vanilla will go well with any flavour, i think.
n still got some banana left, me pun menerai laa kukus guna acuan.. acuan ni walaupun sgt murah, tp tahan suhu pengukus. yippee~~ ^^ guna resepi dr myresepi jugak, apam dia x selembut apam yg biasa me buat, n a bit dry.. so kene improve resepi dulu baru blh share..
owh, lupa laa dadih yg me guna. my sis yg mula2 start wat dadih nih kt umah. since that xpenah guna jenama lain. cara2 ikut kt packaging, just didihkan air, susu sejat, ngan gula. then campur serbuk dadih nih.
k'we beli mne bkeas g2???!!!!!
nk gokk
dgki er T^T
kekgi mari sini k'awe bawak gi kedai tu.. hehe
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