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bertemu di penghujung tahun 2012. pejam celik pejam celik, dah akhir tahun.. xterasa pun. masing2 duk cakap pasal azam or resolusi kan? i never had a list of resolution. siyes! maybe bcoz i'm not disciplined enough to follow my own resolutions. hihi...
nway, what had i achieved this year? nothing much actually.. been lazying around to much.
- school work? alhamdulillah, successfully presented my masters viva in the middle of the year, and completed my study. now PHD on the way, insyaAllah :-B
- personal life? no progress.. trying to the point of giving up, but still hanging in there..semoga diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran, n semoga dipermudahkan -no need to understand-
- last but not least.. culinary? i had list going on and on of what i want to bake and cook.. seriously.. after few year, this year i managed to get my hand on a food processor (finally!) and a coffee-maker (thanks laling :x ), hmm.. what else? got most of the electronic stuff last year when we first moved to bintulu...
gambar hiasan sahaja.. |
** pic above: looks good, but taste not that good. it supposed to be non-bake layer cheesecake, but it tasted like a jellied pudding. waste of all that money to make this. i think the recipe called for too much gelatine, need to improvised before posting the recipe.
List of what I want to make this year and year before but still didnt manage to merajinkan diri :P :
- cheeseatart - cuma berjaya beli acuan je.huhu
- apam polkadot.. hahaha.. semua org dh mcm2 rupa jd apam ni, tun still x buat lg.
- Deco roll cake.. =P~ drooling at this, xtau bila nk buat
- Hokkaido chiffon cupcakes - xjumpa acuan cupcake yg keras tu
- RVC.. still berkira2 n cuak nengok amount of red colouring. can i omit that?
there are other long list of stuff that i want to make, but this list here.. i'd been thinking of making them since forever! LOL~ nway, skan berusaha this year ^^
okies dukie.. n3 merapu2 so that I had some thing to reflect on. hope everyone had a better year. and will have a more delightful year in 2013 :D
Hppy new year Tun...
Wsalam Tun. Mel plak sejak pindah Bintulu, dapat breadmaker & brg2 dapur gak. Esok lusa mau beli peti ais pula pindah lik semenanjung.hahaha
Happy New Year juga ! ^^
selamat tahun baru 2013...
moga ceria selalu....
Selamat Tahun 2013 juga buat Tun semoga tahun baru lebih cemerlang :D
selamat tahun baru tun..smoga lbh sucsess di thun depan:)
selamat tahun baru...
Selamat tahun baru 2013 Tun... senyum selalu!
Selamat tahun baru 2013 buat tun, semoga apa yg di hajati terlaksana
selamat menyambut tahun baru Tun... moga lebih sukses ye ;)
selamat tahun Baru Tun...maju n terus maju..
assalamualaikum Tun..
semoga tahun ni lebih baik dari tahun lepas Insyaallah :)
Slamat tahun baru TUn....
moga tercapai ape yg dcinta citakan....
selamat tahun baru tun
moga 2013 akan lebih baik lg
Assalamualaikum adik Tun cayang!!
Tunnn apa khabar dear?? Lama tk dengar cita2 Tun...windu rasanya..maaf lambat kak Nur nk balas kunjungan...terima kasih Tun masih ingat pada akak yg jauh nie...mudah2an perjalanan hidup Tun di thn baru 2013 berjln dgn lancar...apa yd diimpikan mudah2an tercapai hendaknya...tentang blog tu bila ada kesempatan boleh update la ya....hehe sama juga dgn akak.Salam rindu dendam dari kak Nur.
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