Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Milky Strawberry Smoothies

I've developed a crave for ice-blended... hoho... especially in this hot weather (it's seriously hot at home now.. but u expect to get thunderstorm at nights).. tried ice-blended peaches for breaking fast yesterday, but it doesnt taste as good as this ice-blended strawberry i'm drinking now ^^ (call it smoothies as i add some milk )..

i seriously dont know 'why' i never make ice-blended or smoothies b4, as it is soo easy (i do make milk shake though... thanks to bidadari besi who gave me the alat-yg-awe-xtau-nk-panggil-ape, but can be used to make froth.. huhu).. owh, i know, sbb b4 this i thought i need special blender.. hehe.. rupa2nyer blh guna blender mesin bawang kt dapur tu je.. (make sure it's clean though)..

as my parents just came back from cameron, we got heaps of strawberry in the fridge.. but it doesnt taste that sweet, so apart from eating it with choc, i make it into ice-blended and smoothies. my sister want to eat cheese cake (u know, cheese cake looks yummier with strawbery on top.. but cream cheese is too expensive.. so i ignore her -at least until my dad go shopping.. hehe).

ok, back to the smoothies.. in the blender, put strawberries (ikut suke laa byk mane), pour in some milk (i dont hv fresh, so used evaporated instead). then add in around a glass of ice cubes.. as the strawberries arent that sweet, i add in few teaspoons of sugar. blend it, and.. tadaaaa! here is the yummy milky strawberry smoothies =)

dont exceed a glass per day if you care about your waistline.. hehe... (owh, also if u care about your health).. need to maintain my BMI of 21-22.. kalu x, jd chubby mcm kt nz.. huhu

Monday, October 12, 2009

Keep fighting! for those yg ada exam =)

My favourite poem (i've dedicated this to pemudiDD n my zauj b4 ^^)
Post it so all my juniors n friends will continue fighting for their exam..
Usaha + tawakkal... banyakkan doa, jaga hubungan dengan Allah, dan hubungan sesama manusia.. insyaAllah, dipermudahkan..

Learning isn't easy..
frustration tends to set in quickly.
you hurt.
you feel defeated.
you want to give up-
to quit.
you want to walk away
and pretend it doesn't matter.
but you won't,
because you are not a loser-
you are a fighter..

We all have to lose sometimes
before we can win.
We have to cry sometimes
before we can smile.
We have to hurt
before we can be strong.
But if you keep on working
and believing,
you'll have victory
in the end.'

- Ann Davies

Saturday, October 10, 2009

1st recipe on the Blog! : Peach Cobbler ^^

i've been wanting to eat peach cobbler ever since i read hlovate's blog.. hoho.. (if u know what i mean lah..), and that is few years back.. just google 'peach cobbler' and all types of recipe will appear. but if u know how i am in the kitchen, u'll know that i'm someone that masak 'ikut sesuka hati and main campak2'.. huhu... anyway, usually i dont really follow the recipe i found, but more to 'try and error' (patut laa my peach cobbler b4 this turn out soggy.. nges nges).. but yesterday's peach cobbler is perfect =D (for my standard laa ;p).. so, b4 i forgot how i bake it, i better type it down.

The recipe

110g butter ( kat kedai jual 250g)
1 c flour
3/4 c sugar (fine is better)
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
3/4 c milk (fresh, condensed, anything u like)
1 tbs vanilla
1 canned peach (drained- kat kedai ada yg around 800g tin die, aft drained dpt aa 400g++ buah pic)
cinnamon powder (to your liking)

How to make it:

1. Combine flour + sugar + baking powder (xyah sieve pun xpe)
2. Pour in milk and vanilla. Gaul2
3. Melt butter in the tray (me masukkan terus dlm loyang masa tgh panaskan oven.. huhu)
4. Pour in no.2 into that melted butter, kacau sket.. dont need to gaul sepenuh hati.. the butter will rise on top. dont worry about it.

5. Sliced the peaches sesuka hati. maybe one whole can is too much (an excuse to myself as i eat few slices - cant help it.. hehe... )
6. Arrange the peaches in tray. it will sink partially.
7. Sprinkle cinnamon powder on top.
8. bake 180 degree C, around 40min. (cam biasa laa, prick with fork, if comes clean, then it's cook =), owh, i wait till it brown on top )

Done! easy, right?

my peach cobbler ^^ it looks yummier aft being served on plate.. owh, u scoop it, bukannyer cut mcm kek. next time i'll try to serve it with custard (teringat eba nyer custard that goes with her yummy apple crumble.. or is it apple pie.. i forgot.. hehe)..

if al-Azhar pun dh x blh pakai purdah...tmpt lain camner??

i used to tell my hubby: "u can ask me to wear jilbab, but dont ask me to wear purdah" (due to the fact that he loves to give hint about wanting me to wear purdah, yg mana me always managed to berpura2 wat x paham.. nges nges).. but this news, that stated its a symbol of oppression, n xde kene mengena dgn islam really2 make me feel .... (xtau nk guna words ape yg menggambarkn 'bengang', but doesnt sound that 'kurang sopan'.. ).. nway, here's a copy from Utusan.

Tantawi haramkan purdah

KAHERAH 9 Okt. - Imam besar Mesir, Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi (gambar) berkata, para pelajar dan guru-guru tidak lagi dibenarkan memakai purdah di dalam kelas dan asrama institusi pengajian Islam terulung, al-Azhar sebagai sebahagian daripada usaha kerajaan untuk menangani amalan radikal dalam Islam.

Tantawi yang juga merupakan ketua al-Azhar mengumumkan perkara itu, beberapa hari selepas beliau membuat kenyataan: purdah atau niqab 'tiada kena mengena dengan Islam'.
Tindakan beliau itu telah mencetuskan bantahan kuat daripada golongan yang menganggapnya sebagai satu serangan terhadap Islam serta beberapa pertubuhan hak asasi yang menganggap pengharaman niqab mencabuli kebebasan berperlembagaan.

Isu sebanyak mana tubuh wanita Islam perlu ditutup telah menjadi isu yang kerap dipertikai antara tokoh Islam. Kebanyakan mereka menyatakan purdah tidak diperlukan kerana ia sekadar satu adat kaum nomad di gurun-gurun Arab sebelum kedatangan Islam.

Kebanyakan wanita Islam di Mesir memakai tudung atau hijab yang melindungi rambut, tetapi niqab semakin popular di Kaherah kebelakangan ini sehingga menimbulkan kebimbangan kerajaan.

Sementara itu, di Toronto, pertubuhan penduduk Islam Kanada menggesa kerajaan mengharamkan pakaian tradisional yang menutup muka, dengan menyatakan ia adalah simbol penindasan terhadap wanita oleh golongan radikal yang tidak mempunyai asas dalam Islam.
Kongres Islam Kanada mendesak pengharaman tersebut kerana menurut mereka, amalan menutup wajah tidak sewajarnya wujud dalam masyarakat yang menyokong hak sama rata antara jantina.

"Masyarakat Islam seluruh dunia tahu bahawa pakaian yang menindas wanita ini dipromosikan oleh Taliban dan al-Qaeda," kata pengasas kumpulan tersebut, Tarek Fatah. Katanya, pengharaman tersebut tidak boleh meliputi hijab, iaitu pakaian tradisional yang tidak menutup wajah.

Tambahnya, tidak ada dalam mana-mana teks Islam termasuk Al-Quran, yang menyuruh wanita menutup wajah termasuk undang-undang Syariah yang paling konservatif.

Iman besar Mesir ni pun satu... ape ntah masalah die.. tension je. orang nk pakai, biar laa.. baru je berangan2 nk pakai purdah time gi mesir (bile ntah... murah rezeki sampai laa.. sekali ngn wat haji.. aminn.. )